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20-01-20 13:13 |
619 |
1-09_±èö¿ø+±èÀºÈñ_2019__MICE°ü±¤¿¬±¸_Áö¿ª°ü±¤°æÀï·Â_¿¬±¸_°æÇâ_¸ÞŸ_ºÐ¼®.pdf (576.0K) [1] DATE : 2020-01-20 13:13:30 |
³í¹®¸í: Áö¿ª°ü±¤°æÀï·Â ¿¬±¸ °æÇâ ¸ÞŸ ºÐ¼®
ÀúÀÚ: ±èö¿ø, ±èÀºÈñ, ÀÓö¼ö
°ÔÀçÁö¸í: MICE°ü±¤¿¬±¸
This research conducted a meta analysis based on content analysis & semantic network
analysis of the literature on Regional Tourism Competitiveness published from 1986 to
2018 in order to systematically review this research and to provide future research
direction. A total of 60 research papers were analyzed concerning the time period and
research topic. This study finds that there are two trends in the study of regional tourism
competitiveness. One is to build a model by identifying the attributes of regional tourism
competitiveness. Another is to perform statistical validity and credibility of the already
created model and to find out the problem. This study will help researchers who are
designing research on regional tourism competitiveness to set future research topics and
direction. In addition, it will be used as a basic data to build a model of regional tourism
competitiveness in the policy field in order to promote local growth through tourism.