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[±èö¿ø] ȯ½Â¿©°´ÀÌ ÀÎÁöÇϴ ȯ½Â°ü±¤ Á¦¾à¿äÀÎ ¿¬±¸
Ã־ƿ¬ 20-01-20 13:16 734
   1-10_±èö¿ø_2019_ȯ½Â¿©°´ÀÌ_ÀÎÁöÇÏ´Â_ȯ½Â°ü±¤_Á¦¾à¿äÀÎ_¿¬±¸.pdf (1.2M) [0] DATE : 2020-01-20 13:16:34
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Çٽɾî: ȯ½Â¿©°´(Transfer Passenger), ÀνÄ(Perception), Á¦¾à ¿äÀÎ
(Constraint Factors), Æ´»õ½ÃÀå(Niche Market), °ü±¤±³Åë(Tourism
Transportation), Åë°ú¿©°´(Transit Passenger),
°æÀ¯¿©°´(Stop-over Passenger)

The purpose of this study is to identify differences of constraint factors perceived
by transfer passengers. Transfer tours as a specialized area of ​tourism transportation
is a niche tourism segment to attract foreign tourists. The motivation for using
transfer tourism is to experience the attractiveness of tourism destination during the
airport's stay time. But transfer passengers perceived constraints by infrastructure
and environmental factors, psychological factors, and individual structural factors.
Even more, there may be differences of perception toward constraints among
passengers. Thus, it is worthwhile to investigate the perceived barriers of passengers
by the demographic characteristics and tourist behaviors.
Interestingly, while there are no differences in constraint perception by gender, the
experience of transfer tour and travel patterns show statistically significant
differences in terms of age and type of residences. The study implies that customized
tour products should develop in consideration of age and cultural traits of transfer