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Researchers have criticized the traditional contingent valuation method (CVM) due to its potential response bias. To address this bias, several studies have employed improved CVM survey designs. When respondents disguise the truth, non-sampling errors are created that cannot be corrected by these elaborate survey modifications. To reduce this type of non-sampling error, Park and MacLachlan (2008) suggested the exaggeration bias-corrected (EBC) CVM, which assumes a functional mechanism between real and spurious willingness to pay (WTP). The authors verify the effectiveness of the EBC-CVM in non-sampling error reduction, which in turn derives more errorcorrected economic value. Few studies have employed the EBC-CVM in a tourism context. The main goals of this study are to introduce EBC-CVM and to test its validity in a tourism study. The results indicate that EBC-CVM contributes to the reduction of non-sampling errors. The implications of the findings are discussed. |