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¹®ÈÀ̺¥Æ®(Cultural Event), Ãß±¸ÆíÀÍ(Benefit Sought), Âü°¡Åµµ(Participation Attitude), ¸¸Á·µµ(Satisfaction), Ã漺µµ(Loyalty) |
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This study was to investigate benefits sought and achievement performance of cultural event that affect cultural event's satisfaction and loyalty. From the literature review only few study has been conducted to explore cultural event and its characteristics. Perception and attitude of cultural events' participants has not been thoroughly examined in terms of benefits sought, achievement performance, and satisfaction. A total of 514 useful sample was analyzed and reported. Factor analysis showed five underlying dimensions (pride and acknowledgement, relax and joyful life, new experiences and cultural desire, enhancement of quality of life, and together with friends and family) for benefits sought and three underlying dimensions (self reflective and knowledge achievement, pride and performance, and stress release and challenge). Multiple regression analysis provided these benefits soughts and attituude affect satisfaction and loyalty. More detailed information was provided in the conclusion section. This study provides useful information regarding cultural events participants' attitude and behavior. |