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18-08-29 01:01 |
467 |
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±Û·¥ÇÎ(Glamping), °í°´½Ã¹ÎÇൿ(Customer Citizenship Behavior), Àç¹æ¹®Àǵµ(Revisit Intention), ºê·£µå ŵµ(Brand Attitude), À̹ÌÁö(Image) |
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The objective of this study is to investigate Glamping customer citizenship behavior. This paper introduces a research model that consists of three antecedents (brand attitude, image, and revisit intention) that lead to customer citizenship behavior in Glamping customers. Data were collected from 283 respondents that visit in Glamping in order to validate the proposed research model. The empirical results showed that the two antecedent factors (brand attitude and image) had significant influences on revisit intention. Then, the effect of revisit intention on customer citizenship behavior was found to be significantly positive. |