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18-08-31 17:21 |
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Seoul, Chinese tourists, Tourists gaze, Grounded theory, Paradigm, ¼¿ï, Áß±¹°ü±¤°´, °ü±¤°´ ½Ã¼±, ±Ù°ÅÀÌ·Ð, Æз¯´ÙÀÓ |
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The study was undertaken to examine the Chinese tourist gaze that interacts with various social components in tourist destinations based on Urry¡¯s ¡°tourist gaze.¡± The tourist gaze could explain differences of viewpoints that are induced by social and cultural backgrounds. Having identified the Chinese tourist gaze, it could capture the integration of the dynamic environment of destinations and the symbolic reality of the tourists. Applying the grounded theory method, the study analyzed the formation process of the Chinese tourist gaze in Seoul. Data were collected from in-depth interviews with 10 Chinese individual tourists visiting Seoul from May to July 2016. In the process of axial coding, ¡°gaze before travelling¡± was identified as the central phenomenon. The causal conditions that led the central phenomenon were ¡°expectations before visiting.¡± The central phenomenon was influenced by contextual conditions and ¡°Chinese characteristics.¡± In addition, the interventional conditions were ¡°impressive phenomenon.¡± These conditions were encouraged by action/strategy to compare with expectations before visiting Seoul. The consequence was ¡°changed gaze after travelling.¡± The findings of the study contribute to the understanding of Chinese tourists visiting Seoul. Both marketing practitioners and scholars in tourism will benefit from the synthesis offered in the study as it puts together a convergent view on what destination image affects the tourist gaze at this challenging moment for Korean tourism. It is an appropriate field of research for the analysis regarding the development of tourism resources with a specialization geared toward the Chinese market.
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