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°ü¸®ÀÚ 16-03-08 18:57 424
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Çмú´ëȸ¸í Á¦ 77Â÷ Çѱ¹°ü±¤ÇÐȸ Çмú´ëȸ
ÀϽà 2015.02.06
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ÃÊ·Ï This study aims to find the significance of the convention-related public organizations workers'cognition about the importance of public marketing
activities. As well as to analysize the outcome of convention organization of public marketing activities holding positive, negative effects and the host
brands value relationship. In order to strategically maintain the importance of conventions' differentiation marketing and the brands value of exhibition organization, this research is necessary to explore the importance of public marketing activities held by the public value and brand image link here.
In this research, On the convention field public marketing activities' arguments were marketing strategy. In order to construct the convention
destination's competitiveness and the differentiation of public marketing strategy, it is necessary to investigate the relation of convention organizations' public marketing activities' importance recognization and destination effections, destination brand value. As the results we can propose the implication of public marketing activities can enhance the competitive