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Visual analysis of Korea Burn as Soft Power: Ritual and Ludic Behaviour
°ü¸®ÀÚ 16-03-08 15:58 496
   ³í¹®_Visual_analysis_of_Korea_Burn_as_Soft_Power__Ritual_and_Ludic_Behaviour_ȲÁö¿µ_.pdf (82.0K) [0] DATE : 2016-03-08 15:58:40
¹ßÇ¥³í¹®¸í Visual analysis of Korea Burn as Soft Power: Ritual and Ludic Behaviour
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ÀϽà 2014.07.02
ÃÊ·Ï There has been a remarkable rise in the number of festivals in recent decades in Korea. The quality of festivals`` growth, however, uot much has beeu achieved yet. [fyou keeuly observe, every successful festivals has a cathartic fuuctiou which helps people feel weightless from the suppressed emotion. This cathartic image can be easily accessed via online blog, news, and etc. This study is desigoed to discuss the humau behaviours focus ou ritual aod ludic expressed duriug the Koreao Bum festival by aualyziug visual represeutatious. In this study, a purposive sample of 200 online images was inspected using content-semiotic analysis method. It was fouud that Korea Bum festival photographic represeutatious fouud ouliue make up ritual and ludic scene. The image also connotes intrinsic cultural diversity and cultural exchauge. It is recommeuded that tourism marketers aod festival planners take a closer look at the visual image and its connotations to attract festival goers.