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The Impact of Food Image on Building the Destination Image of Korea -A comparison between Asian and Non-Asian Tourists
°ü¸®ÀÚ 16-03-08 18:39 483
   ³í¹®_The_Impact_of_Food_Image_on_Building_the_Destination_Image_of_Korea_-A_comparison_between_Asian_and_Non-Asian_Tourists.pdf (118.8K) [0] DATE : 2016-03-08 18:39:35
¹ßÇ¥³í¹®¸í The Impact of Food Image on Building the Destination Image of Korea -A comparison between Asian and Non-Asian Tourists
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The 2015 TOSOK International Tourism Conference
ÀϽà 2015.07.01
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ÃÊ·Ï This paper attempts to discuss that, food image, as a core factor for tourism destination selection, is playing a significant role in forming the destination image (TDI). A model that presents the relationship between food image and different components of destination image was developed based on previous studies. Korea, which is known for the uniqueness of its local food, will be detailed discussed in this paper. By conducting surveys among Asian (excluding Korean) and Non-Asian tourists, data were collected to capture the panorama of Korean food image. In addition to that, different food images were created before and after their visit to Korea. However, both results revealed that food image to a great extent impacts on the destination image. Destination image of Korea as a culinary tourism destination, will be built and will attract more non-Asian tourists.